香港職工會聯盟(簡稱職工盟;英語:Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions,縮寫作 HKCTU)是一個已經解散的工會組織。成立於1990年7月,曾領導多場工人運動,高峰時有90多個屬會,超過19萬名會員。截止2021年10月會員大會表決解散前有78個屬會,曾為香港最大工會聯合組織之一。職工盟總部位於香港九龍彌敦道557至559號永旺行7樓及19樓。職工盟解散前主席為代表黃迺元、李卓人為秘書長。職工盟的四大綱領為團結、尊嚴、公義、民主。 2021年9月17日,文匯報報道,9月16日晚職工盟舉行執委會會議,會議通過啟動解散程序的決定,並將於10月3日召開會員大會正式通過解散。報道又指,自2012年起擔任總幹事的蒙兆達,已宣布辭職。2021年10月3日,職工盟主席黃迺元會後見記者指,大會以57票贊成、8票反對及2票棄權,大比數通過解散。擁有31年歷史的職工盟正式步入歷史。(URL:, 已失效)

The Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (HKCTU) is a defunct trade union organisation. Founded in July 1990, it led a number of labour movements and at its peak had more than 90 affiliated unions with over 190,000 members. It had 78 affiliates by the time of its dissolution in October 2021, and was once one of the largest trade union federations in Hong Kong. The head office of the CTU was located on the 7th and 19th floors of Aeon Hong Kong, 557-559 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. The former Chairman of the HKCTU is Representative Wong Nai-yuen, and Lee Cheuk-yan is the Secretary General. The four main platforms of the HKCTU are unity, dignity, justice and democracy. On 17 September 2021, Wen Wei Po reported that the executive committee of the HKCTU held a meeting on the evening of 16 September and approved the decision to initiate the dissolution process, and that a general meeting would be held on 3 October to formally endorse the dissolution. Reportedly, Mr Mong Siu-tat, who has been the General Secretary since 2012, has announced his resignation. Speaking to reporters after the meeting on 3 October 2021, HKCTU Chairman Wong Nai-yuen said the dissolution was approved by a majority of 57 votes in favour, 8 against and 2 abstentions. The 31-year old HKCTU was officially dissolved. (URL:, inaccessible)

A screenshot of the website as of 10 July 2021: image


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