香港教育專業人員協會(英語:Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union;簡稱:教協),是一個曾經由香港各個大學、中學、小學、幼稚園、特殊學校以及各級學校教師組成的教育工會。會員人數曾一度達到96,670人,是香港曾經最大的單一行業工會及參與會員最多的民主派組織。其定位除了是工會外還是教育團體、社會團體和民間團體。末任會長是馮偉華,而監事會主席潘天賜兼任香港職工會聯盟會長。2021年8月10日,因《港區國安法》等原因,創會達48年的教協宣布解散。2021年9月11日,特別會員代表大會正式通過解散。(URL:
The Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union (HKPTU) is a union of teachers from universities, secondary schools, primary schools, kindergartens, special schools and all levels of schools in Hong Kong. With a membership of 96,670, it was once the largest single-sector trade union in Hong Kong and the most democratic organisation with the largest number of members. It is not only a trade union, but also an educational, social and civic organisation. On 10 August 2021, the HKPTU, which had been in existence for 48 years, was dissolved due to the Hong Kong National Security Law, and on 11 September 2021, the dissolution was formally approved at an Extraordinary General Meeting. (URL:
A screenshot of the website as of 18 July 2021:
(State: Incomplete)