Financier Conscience|思言財雋

思言財雋(英文:Financier Conscience)是一個成立於2015年11月的香港智庫,旨在滙聚金融財經界志同道合的同業友好,凝聚業界聲音,致力提高金融界對公共事務的意識及參與,監察政府並推動香港民主政制,冀望能聚才凝雋,結聚業界的力量去影響代表金融及金融服務界別的議員,把維護法治及公義的聲音帶入議會,為香港社會籌建更美好的將來。(URL:

Financier Conscience is a Hong Kong think-tank established in November 2015, aiming to bring together like-minded members of the financial sector, to unite the voices of the industry, to raise awareness and participation of the financial sector in public affairs, to monitor the government and to promote democratic government in Hong Kong. The organisation aims at gathering the strengths of the industry to influence members representing financial services sectors to bring the voice of the rule of law and justice to the legislature, and to build a better future for Hong Kong society. (URL:


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