
真普選聯盟(英文:Alliance for True Democracy)於2013年3月21日由12個香港民主派政黨及團體聯合成立,目標為推動香港行政長官和香港立法會盡快實現雙普選(即香港行政長官選舉及香港立法會選舉)與「真普選」,召集人為香港城市大學政治學系講座教授鄭宇碩。往日,該聯盟逢週三舉行會議。該聯盟在2020年泛民主派總辭後,已沒有任何香港立法會議席。與2021年9月29日,聯盟正式解散。(URL:

The Alliance for True Democracy was a coalition of the pan-democrats to fight for full universal suffrage in Hong Kong. It was formed on 21 March 2013 by 12 pan-democratic groups on the basis of the Alliance for Universal Suffrage formed in 2010 and suspended in January 2013 due to the split over strategy on dealing the Beijing government. The convenor Joseph Cheng Yu-shek, political scientist at the City University and leader of the Power for Democracy said the alliance priority would be to strive for public support in the political reform debate, and to form a consensus proposal by the end of the year. (URL:

A screenshot of the website as of 23 January 2021 image


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