
​香港言語治療師總工會(職工會登記編號:1357)於2019年11月29日刊憲正式成立。工會宗旨為「捍衛公義、團結業界、促進溝通、爭取權益」。根據傳媒報道,工會擁有約二百名成員,佔該行業專業人員總數的六分之一。2021年7月,工會5名成員,包括黎雯齡(25歲)、楊逸意(27歲)、伍巧怡(28歲)、陳源森(25歲)及方梓皓(26歲)涉嫌串謀刊印、發佈、分發、展示或複製煽動刊物罪被捕。所涉刊物包括《羊村守衛者》、《羊村十二勇士》和《羊村清道夫》。2021年10月13日,香港政府撤銷該工會之登記。 (URL:

The General Union of Hong Kong Speech Therapists was founded on 29 November 2019 with a mission to advocate justice, unite professionals in the trade, promote communication and defend rights. In July 2021, four of the union's former members, Lai Man-ling, Melody Yeung, Sidney Ng, Samuel Chan and Marco Fong were arrested by national security police. They were accused of publishing and distributing three children's books, Guardians of the Sheep Village, 12 Warriors of the Sheep Village, and Dustman of the Sheep Village, to “bring into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection” against the Hong Kong government and “the administration of justice in Hong Kong” . On 13 October 2021, the government of the HKSAR revoked the registration of the union. (URL:

A screenshot of the website as of 25 April 2022: image


(State: Completed)
