香港外國記者會(英語:The Foreign Correspondents' Club, Hong Kong,簡稱:FCC)於1943年在中華民國重慶成立,旨在聯繫香港境外記者與當時的國民政府,1949年後遷移至香港,現時成員包括香港的外國記者、新聞從業員,以及其他行業的行政人員或專業人士。該會提供一個社交及專業討論平台給新聞從業員及關注傳媒的人士,讓來自世界各地人士發表有關政治、經濟及藝術等意見,也舉辦各類專業活動,包括新聞業會議、新聞簡介會和電影放映會。(URL: https://www.fcchk.org/)
The Club was founded in Chongqing in 1943 and moved to Hong Kong from Shanghai, where it was set up on 23 June or 25 June 1949. The Club has been located in several buildings since its inception in Hong Kong. It has occupied the North Block of the Old Dairy Farm Depot since 1982. Its members mainly consist of the professionals from the media, business and diplomatic community. It provides a social and discussion platform for journalists and media professionals to express their views on politics, economics and the arts from around the world, as well as organising professional events including press conferences, press briefings and film screenings. (URL: https://www.fcchk.org/)
A screenshot as of 24 May 2022:
(State: In Progress)